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Eventos e lugares históricos em Rochester MN



        Historic places involve much more than simply old buildings, factories, houses and parks with historic significance. There are also economic, cultural, environmental, as well as psychological elements that define the very fabric of what historical means. 

       We cannot forget about the educational benefits that a historical place can bring to the community which shares the same stories. All are intertwined with one another and with the living memory of all involved.The benefits of registering historic buildings are diverse and wide.  

    At the most basic level, it serves to maintain and celebrate civic beauty and pride, and foster an appreciation of local and national history and heritage.

    As an artist we would like to register on canvas and other media the feeling of history passing by us. We do believe that reflecting history in our art will help us to understand and respect people who lived in different eras with different habits and traditions.


Our Goals are:


  •     through art we will emphasize the past to present and future generations


  •     through art we promote respect for those who lived in prior times and different traditions


    It’s important for us in Rochester to find our roots for a better understanding of the reasons that lead us to the way we are and how we got this way. Historical buildings are the face of our town. They reflect the changes we have gone through.They help us to understand the history that occurred before we were born and our cultural role in cultivating pride in our heritage. It makes feel connected and unique in the world. 

    By looking at historic buildings like Assisi Heights or the Mayo buildings, visitors and longtime residents are able to witness the aesthetic and cultural history of our area. Such places help us maintain a sense of permanency and heritage. They unify us under a common cultural umbrella.

        Historical buildings bring character and charm to the neighborhoods that people live in. When changes are made to an old building such as adding levels, vestiges of different uses, awkward corners, the mixtures of styles, it become a living testimony of lives that interact with each other and make their physical mark in the walls around us. Rochester historical places bring about feelings of loyalty, home, warmth and reassurance. There is no doubt that older architecture tends to bring our past alive and fulfill the sense of belonging.

    Rochester is not alone! Tragedies that happen “outside” town affect all of us. We are not isolated, we are part of the network that goes beyond ourselves, our community and our country. We are living a moment in time that is history. Not only with the COVID-19 but the direction that our society are taking, political, economical and cultural. In the turmoil of the moment we would like to register our perceptions and show to the world.  

    History past and present helps to build our unique town profile. Through the accurate portrait and permanence of the same buildings we interweave personal and public lives.

       We do believe that historical buildings and events enrich the fabric of our lives. 



Artists participating in the project:


Alison McClocklin

Gayle Dahl

Jeff Thompson

Julie Johns

Ivete Vaz de Castro Martinez

Miriam Knuth

Pat Dunn-Walker


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